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Manage Your Emotions

Emotions are a normal part of life, but when they become overwhelming or difficult to manage, then this is where you may run into some problems! Learning how to manage your emotions is a surprising life skill that many people haven’t entirely understood, but once you get the hang of it, you can move through the ups and downs of life with more ease.

Here are 3 Ways to Manage Your Emotions:

1. Take 5 Deep Breaths

No matter where you are in the process of feeling your emotions, taking the time to breathe is an essential practice. A few mindful deep breaths can do wonders to restore your nervous system and increase your resiliency in the face of any emotion.

2. Journal It Out

An excellent catharsis for overwhelming emotions is to let them spill out onto the page. Writing is a simple way to release the feelings you may be holding inside of you. Try starting your day by writing a few things you are grateful for and then ending your day by engaging in a more free-flow journaling process.

3. Feel It to Heal It

Throughout all of these techniques, a foundational principle in managing emotions is actually not to suppress your feelings. When people think about managing their emotions, they focus on pushing them away or making them go away. But to truly dissolve your feelings, you must feel and understand them. Then they will move through you on their own.

But this doesn’t mean letting your emotions completely overtake you; it simply means that sometimes it is ok to cry, to feel afraid, or to feel angry – letting these emotions run their course can be profoundly therapeutic. So, let yourself feel and use the combination of deep breathing and journaling to remain balanced throughout this process.

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